Standard 5

5a. Qualified Faculty
5b. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Teaching
5c. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Scholarship
5d. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Services
5e. Unit Evaluation of Professional Education Faculty Performance
5f. Unit Facilitation of Professional Development
Conceptual Framework
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Standard 6
State Standard


5a. Qualified Faculty

5a.1. What are the qualifications of the full- and part-time professional education faculty (e.g., earned degrees, experience, and expertise)? Please complete Table 11 or upload your own table at Prompt 5a.5 below. [Professional Education Faculty information compiled by AIMS from earlier reports submitted for the national review of programs and updated by your institution (see Manage Faculty Information page in your AIMS workspace) can be imported into Table 11. For further guidance on completing this table, see the directions provided below (select link "click here") as well as in the Help document (click on "Help" in the upper right corner of your screen.]

Table 11

Exhibit 5a1.1 Faculty Qualifications and Assignments (2006-2009)


5a.2. What expertise qualifies professional education faculty members who do not hold terminal degrees for their assignments?

Education faculty members who do not hold terminal degrees for their assignments have expertise in their assigned areas as well as documented successful performance in the roles of clinical and field experiences. These faculty members have expertise in the areas of supervision, teaching, research commitments for presentations to conferences, as well as workshops for professional development. Some full-time faculty members hold multiple degrees in specific fields. In the area of Psychology, the instructors are uniquely qualified to provide students with principles and strategies in applied settings as well as exposure and supervised experience relative to their professional duties and requirements. These instructors also provide knowledge and understanding of the classification of exceptional children as specified by the State of Louisiana. In Educational Leadership and Counseling, supervisors have more than ten years of experience as teachers, hold certification in administration and supervision, and have served as principals. One supervisor is a member of the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and another supervisor is the 2009 Louisiana Middle School Principal of the Year. For the area of Kinesiology, all adjunct faculty have masters degrees and expertise in their specified fields. (Exhibit 5a2.1 Professional Education Faculty Who Do Not Hold Terminal Degrees and Justification of Faculty Qualifications)


5a.3. How many of the school-based faculty members are licensed in the areas they teach or are supervising? How does the unit ensure that school-based faculty members are adequately licensed?

100% hold state certification and 18.6% are National Board certified with 4.65 % seeking national board certification. All are currently working/teaching in their areas of certification and meet the requirements for student teaching supervision. Of the school-based faculty, 39.53% hold a Master’s +30 degree and 20.93% hold a Master’s degree. The unit ensures that school-based faculty are adequately licensed by viewing the Louisiana State Department of Education website to verify area, level, and current status of the certificate. In the educational leadership preparation program the mentoring/internship component is significant to the success of the program. Superintendents work collaboratively with faculty to select mentor administrators using the following criteria: 1) minimum of 3 years of experience as a school/central office administrator; 2) respected as an educational leader by peers/supervisors; 3) documented success in school improvement activities; and 4) observed commitment to the preparation of aspiring school leaders by participating in required professional development activities. In the area of psychology, candidates locate their own internship placements, with the assistance and approval of faculty supervisors. Supervisor contact information/credentials must be provided to faculty supervisor. Supervisors must have at least 3 years of practice as a school psychologist, assist with completion of the Memo of Agreement, establish an internship plan, and provide regular feedback on candidate progress. (Exhibit 5a3.1 School Based Faculty Qualification)


5a.4. What contemporary professional experiences do higher education clinical faculty members have in school settings?

Faculty members who supervise field and clinical experiences incur many contemporary professional experiences in school settings. As part of their regular load, one candidate receives five visits, with the assigned number of candidates designated to each faculty is 4-5 which accounts for 3 hours faculty teaching credit. Faculty supervising candidates in the areas of field and clinical experiences are required to have LaTAAP training from the state of Louisiana. Twenty-five of the thirty one hold licensure in the fields for which they supervise. Some of the contemporary professional experiences with candidates include: classroom observations, evaluations, and clinical supervision. Contemporary professional experiences with students in local schools and the community consist of a plethora of activities, including: conducting health/fitness/weight testing, serving as Big Brother/Big Sisters, organizing field trips for fossil excavations, providing resources for community school-aged children, volunteering for Family Night at local schools, collaborating with schools for service learning, interacting with Science Olympiad, and packaging food for distribution to undernourished children. (Exhibit 5a4.1 Samples Representing Contemporary Professional Experiences)


5a.5. (Optional Upload for Online IR) Tables, figures, and a list of links to key exhibits related to faculty qualifications may be attached here. [Because BOE members should be able to access many exhibits electronically, a limited number of attachments (0-3) should be uploaded.]